Together with its partners, L.A.H.F. is working to assist folks in obtaining affordable housing and to build stable, vibrant and healthy communities. No one should have to choose between paying to keep a roof over their head or paying for food or vital medications.
As the crisis for affordable housing grows, we are committed to assist in providing housing that fits within one’s income and budget constraints to ensure affordable housing is a reality. L.A.H.F. has partnered with developers and communities which gives us the ability to handle every aspect of affordable real estate development, including project financing, community outreach and planning, construction management, property management, and asset management. We are one of only a few organizations that provide affordable housing for all low- and moderate-income populations.
We serve people in need with the full spectrum of affordable housing, including supportive housing for the formerly homeless, permanent rental, home ownership, and affordable opportunities for families, seniors, students, and veterans.
Our partners can also provide additional services to L.A.H.F. clients. We work with organizations providing programming for health and wellness, financial stability, after school time, community involvement, and more. LEARN MORE.
Help provide affordable housing to vulnerable people, a place where their lives can be rebuilt.
Our partners can also provide additional services to L.A.H.F. residents. We work with organizations who provide programs for health and wellness, after school programs, community involvement, financial education, home care and more.
L.A.H.F. partners with public, private, and government organizations to combine the best affordable housing development practices to build our communities.
Developers are valued partners, and we are constantly building new relationships to meet needs and capitalize on opportunities.
We partner with individuals, companies and other foundations who share our beliefs and have an inherent desire to invest in social change to transform communities. Social change does not happen overnight – but with the help of our corporate partners, we can bring together the people, products, education, and supporters necessary to nurture and transform one family, one home, and one community at a time.